WS island swim club
WHERE ARE YOUR LESSONS? In our backyard pool! We're located in the Admiral Neighborhood in West Seattle. The address will be sent to you upon registration.
WHAT DOES MY CHILD NEED FOR LESSONS? Please sunscreen your kiddo before coming to the pool. Your child needs a swimsuit and swim diaper, if there's any chance they'll poop in the pool. :) Don't forget a towel!
HOW BIG ARE THE CLASSES? All levels will have no more than 5 children.
SHOULD MY CHILD WEAR GOGGLES? Goggles are discouraged, but not forbidden, for Levels 1 & 2. We want the children to gain confidence opening their eyes under water. Goggles are recommended for Level 3.
DO I HAVE TO GET IN THE POOL? Nope, just the kids. We ask that you stay in the seating area while lessons are going on to give the instructor space to teach.
DO I NEED TO STAY OR LEAVE DURING LESSONS? We'd prefer that you stay, in the seating area of the yard, during your child's lesson as an added layer of safety. However if your child is having a really hard time separating we may ask that you leave the backyard until your child settles down with the instructor.
CAN SIBLINGS COME WHILE LESSONS ARE TAKING PLACE? Yes, however, they will be the parent's responsibility and we ask that you keep them away from the pool and in the seating area/playhouse.
I HAVE A TWO YEAR OLD, CAN THEY TAKE LESSONS? At this time we can only take children between the ages of 3 and 10. If you're interested in a parent-and-me type of class please fill out the comment form below!
I MISSED A LESSON, WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Unfortunately we cannot provide make-ups at this time. Every class builds on skills learned in previous days, your child will be able to learn the skill as we review in the next days' lesson.
WE HAVE A COMMITMENT DURING HALF OF A SESSION, CAN WE PAY FOR JUST ONE WEEK? Our class structure builds throughout the two weeks. If you would like to only attend one week you will still have to pay for the entire session.
WHAT IS YOUR REFUND POLICY? We offer a full refund up to 48 hours prior to the first day of class. If your child attends the first day, we cannot refund their spot in the class. We will not refund for classes canceled due to weather. However, if we have to cancel a class for a personal reason, we will refund you for that day.
WHAT IF IT IS RAINING? The only weather we will cancel a class for is extreme wind, lightening or smoke.
IS THE POOL CHLORINE OR SALT? The pool is treated with chlorine. We check the chemicals every morning before lessons begin.
HOW COLD IS THE POOL? Generally we keep the pool between 87* and 90*, however we may adjust the temperature depending on the weather. But your kiddo will not be cold.
WHAT ABOUT COVID? Our instructors are fully vaccinated. We are not requiring masks as it is impossible to teach or learn how to swim with a mask on.